PhD Programme

The PhD Programme supports PhD studies in a collaboration between the Ramboll Foundation and the Ramboll Group.

The Ramboll Foundation funds PhD projects in cooperation with the Ramboll Group. The approximately five-ten PhD projects per year are funded in a 50/50 split between the Ramboll Foundation and the Ramboll Group with the hosting business unit.

The Ramboll PhD Programme gives specialists the opportunity to delve into exciting professional topics, based on one of our three philanthropic missions, to unearth state-of-the-art knowledge and develop competences and innovative solutions to the benefit of society and Ramboll.

If you wish you wish to apply for funding to your PhD project, please indicate so via the application form. It is also via the application form that you must indicate which of the philanthropic missions of the Foundation your project is supporting.


Please check out our FAQ, which covers to the most frequently asked questions about our philanthropic activities and application requirements.