Donations in 2011


Danmarks Indsamling (a TV fundraiser supporting the national collection in favour of a range of aid organisations): DKK 100,000
The Catastrophe Horn of Africa (a donation of DKK 150,000 given through local aid organisations in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and UK): DKK 750,000
Flygtning Hjælp Norge (a TV fundraiser supporting the national collection in favour of Norwegian aid organisations) : NOK 100,000


Energihøjskole Risø-Park (a donation to support the establishment of a peoples college at Risø in Denmark focusing on knowledge regarding energy): DKK 300,000
Project “Treatment of mine tailings” (a R&D project anchored in Ramboll Sweden (Project manager: Christian Maurice)): SEK 500,000
Research project on industrial foundations by Copenhagen Business School : DKK 1,000,000


The Gifford 60 Years Anniversary Publication (a financial support to publish/distribute the publication): GBP 12,000
