RFI brand photoshoot in Espoo, Finland. A group of people in outdoor clothing having a chat on a rock in front of a lake in Nuuksio National Park, Finland.

January 31, 2025

A new philanthropic direction

Since 1972, we have been exclusively application-driven, focusing on smaller short-term philanthropic projects. During 2025, we are transitioning to a more proactive mission-driven and catalytic approach, where we support fewer projects and partners, but aim for bigger and more durable change.

MSF is running a clinic in Zamzam camp, ~15km south east of El Fasher, the state capital, hosting more than 300,000 internally displaced people. MSF teams are offering Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding services.

A rapid nutrition and mortality assessment carried out by MSF in Zamzam camp in January 2024 reveals that a deadly situation has unfolded over the past nine months

All emergency thresholds for malnutrition have been reached. Almost a quarter of children assessed in the camp were found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, with seven per cent having SAM (severe acute malnutrition) and being at immediate risk of death. , Among children aged six months to two years old, the figures were even more stark with nearly 40 per cent of this age group malnourished – 15 per cent with SAM.

The emergency threshold for SAM, which indicates that urgent action must be taken, is two percent – indicating that a serious emergency situation is present in Zamzam camp.

October 1, 2024

The Ramboll Foundation donates DKK 500,000 to Doctors without Borders’ crisis response in Sudan

For the past year, large parts of Sudan have been experiencing ongoing violence, including intense urban warfare, gunfire, shelling, and airstrikes. More than 10 million people have been displaced by the current conflict, including over 2 million people who have fled to neighbouring countries.

September 26, 2024

Ramboll Foundation co-hosts roundtable at New York Climate Week about sustainable capitalism

Wednesday this week, the Ramboll Foundation, Ramboll, and UC Berkeley gathered leaders from global businesses founded in the Nordics and the U.S. to discuss how to best balance profitability with purpose and drive positive social, environmental, and economic growth.

June 17, 2024

The Ramboll Foundation and UC Berkeley join forces to advance research in the enterprise foundation ownership model

In a new long-term collaboration, the Ramboll Foundation teams up with The Nordic Center at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Center for Responsible Business at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business to explore global research opportunities focusing on the unique ownership model of enterprise foundations. 

Children draw the Ukrainian flag house on the pavement. Selective focus.

April 15, 2024

Rebuilding in Ukraine based on Danish model for non-profit housing

The "Ukrainian Homes for All" initiative has been created with the purpose of taking a tried and successful model of non-profit housing and use in an area in desperate need of affordable housing.

April 11, 2024

Annual Report 2023 - Enduring ownership

On the Foundation’s Annual Meeting on 11 April 2024, the Board of Trustees approved the annual report for 2023.

January 3, 2024

The Ramboll Foundation donates 1 million DKK to humanitarian aid efforts

On the last board meeting of 2023, the Ramboll Foundation decided to donate 1 million DKK in total to humanitarian aid efforts by UNHCR and Doctors Without Borders in areas of current conflict and humanitarian crises.

December 13, 2023

Bridging the gap between biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation

Biologist and Senior Research Associate, Leonardo De Sousa Miranda, of Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, is the winner of the 2023 Ramboll Foundation Award and a prize of EUR 67,000 to support his research in assessing climate and land-use change impacts and identifying priority areas for biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration in the Amazon.

Photo of a deer in the Godavari River Basin, in India.

December 6, 2023

WWF-India, Ramboll, and the Ramboll Foundation partner to conserve biodiversity in India

We’re joining hands to initiate a unique project on forest and habitat conservation, enabling nature and communities to thrive in the highly biodiverse Godavari River Basin.

September 24, 2023

Urban Mind

In April 2022, the Ramboll Foundation supported the Urban Mind project with DKK 300,000.

April 13, 2023

Annual Report 2022 - A solid foundation in troubled times

On its annual meeting on 12 April 2023, the Board of Trustees of the Ramboll Foundation approved the annual report for 2022.

December 7, 2022

Cambodia’s leading social psychologist wins EUR 67,000 prize from Ramboll Foundation

Thearom Ret of Royal University of Phnom Penh is the 2022 winner of the Flemming Bligaard Award for his research in mental health in post-conflict cities in south-east Asia.