Opportunity-driven global grants
Aid in emergencies and crises, and support to employee-involving initiatives.
Aid in emergencies and crises
The Ramboll Foundation addresses acute crises in society through direct donations. Crises can include natural disasters and human-made crises. Historically, we have been a supporter of humanitarian aid and will continue to be ready to send aid and support to populations and communities when the need is especially great. Rather than being a strategic and targeted focus area, this is a matter of fundamental humanism – and we have set aside funds to aid in cases of great need through established humanitarian agencies and NGO’s.
The Foundation Board of Trustees retains a preparedness for global emergency support and the freedom to act when the need is great. Relief is to be provided by trusted and established agencies and NGO’s through a lean and simple grant making process.
- Grants to emergency relief organisations are provided either through partnerships or a dialogue-based process.
- You cannot apply for funding to emergency and crises relief through the website, as opportunities are identified through strategic partnerships and handled via internal processes.
- We do not accept applications for partnerships either.
However, you can apply for funding to humanitarian projects if they create scalable knowledge within one of our three philanthropic missions.
Employee-involving initiatives
The Ramboll Foundation allocates funds to support initiatives and projects created by Ramboll employees, aimed at strengthening local communities worldwide. These employee-driven initiatives leverage the extensive knowledge and global network of Ramboll's employees.
Being an employee of the Ramboll Group is being part of a great community eager to improve the world and the lives of people. The Foundation supports this basic idea by funding small-scale humanitarian, research and innovation projects initiated or supported by employees for the common good. We also support Ramboll-driven local or global initiatives involving employees.
Grants based on applications for employee-involving projects will be handled internally. The application process is currently being developed and will be announced internally later in the year.
Please check out our FAQ, which covers to the most frequently asked questions about our philanthropic activities and application requirements.
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Philanthropic missions
Addressing significant societal issues through focused mission-driven philanthropy.
PhD Programme
The PhD Programme supports PhD studies in a collaboration between the Ramboll Foundation and the Ramboll Group.